Month: September 2008

Iftar Party

The First Fellowship of Area 9… August Occasion.

………If you were among the one who couldn’t make it…….

Here are the pictures for you.

Jeetendra/Rekha from VRT68 at the Area9- AGM

Quiet a few tablers and circlers from VRT 68 dropped in at the area AGM. Dressed as the very cool JEETENDRA and REKHA, people shook more just a leg and lots of fun doing it. Circler TEENA won a prize as the “MOST ENERGETIC DANCER” and tabler SATISH was awarded the “MOST ENERGETIC TABLER”….CONGRATULATIONS guyz. The table to won an award for the highest sales of supply house at the area level and a certificate of merit for the ladies circle. Tabler BENIL was inducted as the corporate alliance convener in to the area board.

189 Fellowship Stunts

One Table, and lots of Ideas for Fellowship.

Here are pictures of some of the Fellowships that 189 has had.

First Being the favorite among some other tables also at Area 9


Second, ” Hum Bache Piche Kyun Rahe…..” that’s when the Kids at 189 planned out a KIds Cook-out, which i hear also turned into a Fund Raiser.

Third (and last one on this post), Ever Thought of living in the future……189 literally made it happen…..hold on, for you are now onboard the laughter trail….the BUDHA PARTY

Still need more ideas??

Topori Style-HDRT 189

Look at them,
The prisoner of the gutters,
Condemned for every syllable they utter,
By Right,  they should be taken out and hung,
For the cold blooded murder of the Indian tongue

Aye, kya bole la re… Chu**ye

Did you hear  that, heaven’s what a sound!
This is what the 189 population,
Calls an elementary education.
Why Cant RTI teach 189 how to speak,
This verbal class distinction should now be antique,
If you spoke as 189 did on the Saturday Tapori night,
Why, you could be their magazine’s editor too.